In case of impossibility to access the website, due to technical issues or any other reason, the client can never sue for damages and cannot pretend to any indemnity.
The publisher can in no way be responsible for the non-fulfillment or for the bad fulfillment of the contract directly or indirectly attributable to the customer or a case of force majeure beyond the control of the publisher.
The unavailability, even if prolonged and without any maximum duration, of one or several products, cannot constitute a damage for the Internet users and can never give rise to damages claim toward the website or its publisher.
The visual representations of the products, published on the present website, are guaranteed by the publisher as perfectly faithful to the reality, to satisfy its obligation of perfect information. However, in the present state of the technique, these representations in particular in terms of color or shape, can vary from one computer to another or differ from the reality according to the quality of the graphic accessories and from the screen or according to the resolution of the displaying. These variations and differences can in no way be attributed to the publisher whose liability can in no way be engaged on this fact.
The hyperlinks that can be found on this website can refer to other websites. The liability of the publisher can never be engaged if the content of these websites contravene the law in force. As well as the liability of this website can never be engaged if the visit by an Internet user, of one of these websites, causes him a prejudice.