Product availability is indicated on the website, in the description of each item.
To place an order, internet users can select one or more items and add them to their cart. When their order is complete, they can access their cart by clicking the button provided to this purpose.
By consulting their cart, members will have the opportunity to check the number and nature of the items they chose and verify the price for each item and the overall price of the order. They will be able to remove one or more items from their cart.
On this summary will also be communicated to customers the ability they have or not to exercise their right of withdrawal and the time limits that apply.
If their order satisfy them and that they want to validate it, the internet users will be able to click on the submit button, they will be then transferred to a form on which they can either enter their login if they already have one, or register on the website using the form presented to them, with their personal information.
As soon as they are connected or after they have fully completed the form, customers will be asked to check or change their delivery address and billing information and will be then invited to process to the payment being redirected to this effect on the interface secure payment.
Once payment is effectively received by the website's publisher, he undertakes to acknowledge receipt to the customer electronically within a reasonable period of time.
Within the same reasonable period of time, the publisher agrees to send the customer an e-mail summary of the order. This email will confirm that the order is being processed and will also confirm all the information about the order: products ordered, delivery details, customer's right of withdrawal.