a) Overviews / Purpose / Duration
In order to offer to all the Internet users an optimized navigation on this website and a better operation of the different interfaces and applications, the publisher may proceed to the implementation of a cookie on the computer of the user. This cookie is to keep the information relating to the navigation on the website (date, pages, hours), as well as possible data given by the Internet users during their visit (researches, logins, email, password). These cookies are to be kept on the computer of the user for a variable duration up to one year, and can be read and used by the publisher at the time of a later visit of the Internet user on this website.
b) Right to block the implantation of cookie
The user has the possibility to block, change the shelf or delete this cookie via the interface of his Internet browser (generally: tools or options / privacy or confidentiality). In such a case, the navigation on this website will not be optimized. If systematically disabling the cookies on the Internet browser of the user forbids him to use certain services or functionalities given by the publisher, this malfunction can never constitute damage for the member who can never pretend to any indemnity due to that fact.
c) Cookie deletion
The Internet users also have the possibility to delete the cookies already existing in their computer, by going in the menu of their browser to that effect (generally, tools or options / privacy or confidentiality). Such an action does not have an effect on the navigation on this website, but make them lose the benefits given by this cookie. In such a case, they would have to give again all the details concerning them.